On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of our store and to thank you for the trust you have placed in us for so many years, we want to do somepromotions so that you can enjoy your ham or shoulder in thesechristmas parties.
These promotions are exclusive for those members ofClub Jamonarium.

This promotion will be available exclusively to members of the Jamonarium Club. In this promotion, we offer you incredible discounts so you can have thebest ham or best shoulder in your house for thisChristmas. Do not miss this opportunity!
Why use the super christmas promo?
Now is the best time to buy yourIberian hams and Iberian shoulders for this Christmas. Here we explain why:
- Are theunique promotions what are we going to do. No haremos ni Black Friday ni Cyber Monday, so do not miss this opportunity.
- These discountswill only be valid for 5 days and until 9 of November. They will be sent for you to receive during the first week of December, Between the days 1 and 8.
- Cankeep your ham and shoulder without any problem until christmas.