Reserve your ham and your gifts for Christmas.
This year they will end!
We celebrate our 10Th anniversary selling hams on the Internet all over Europe and the 33Th anniversary of our store. It's not bad at all!
We want to offer you some interesting discounts and the option of reserve your ham and your Christmas gifts. This year we are going to run out of stocks of some products and we would like them to members of the Jamonarium CLUB you can receive your hams and gifts without problems.
Reserve your ham and your gifts for Christmas with exclusive discounts. Christmas without ham, it's not christmas!
Is the only promotion that we are going to do for this christmas. Take advantage of it!

We want make sure you will have the ham that you want for Christmas. This year we have a lot of demand throughout Europe and we would like the members of the Jamonarium CLUB to have the best products.
We also want anticipate shipments, it is better not to wait until the last minute to receive your ham for Christmas.
Let's go, take advantage of it and don't miss out on your ham.