Today we would like to tell you some curiosities about Salchichón.
Salchichón is one of the most consumed products in Spain and also throughout Europe. Sometimes it is not obvious to know the differences between the different “pepperoni” that we find in stores or supermarkets.
Differences between Salchichón and others
1- Sausage vs Fuet and Longaniza
- It is easy to confuse the Iberian salami with other sausages such as longaniza payes or fuet.. Iberian sausage and longaniza (country sausage) They are the sausages that are most confused. Fortunately, At first glance they can already be differentiated if their main difference is known: the thickness of the product.
2- Salchichón vs Salami
- Sausage and salami: Their main difference is the origin of both sausages. While the salchichón comes from Spanish gastronomy, salami is italian or german. Also the diameter of the casing is another differentiating element.
3- Sausage vs Chorizo
- Sausage and chorizo: It is the easiest pair of sausages to differentiate since visually its color is different. The reason lies in the seasoning used in its preparation and also the drying period..
The best sausages
- Vic's sausage: When we hear about the town of Vic, we inevitably think of the salami. It is possibly the best known sausage in our country and to which we always attribute a quality guarantee.
- Iberian sausage: It comes from areas of Extremadura and Salamanca. It is made from lean Iberian pork meat mixed with pork fat., Pepper, salt and oregano. Like the other variants, also air dry.
- Other sausages and sausages.
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