Summer. Family. Friends. Prices… Ham newly cut… mmm
Anyone fancy a few slices of freshly cut Iberian ham?
U.S always! And it is that the summer is the time of the year in which we like to have a whole ham. At home or to take on vacation, because we know that it will be the moment of more dinner with friends, endless snacks and leisurely breakfast.
For us there is no occasions o unforgettable moments that we have not shared with a good Iberian Ham. To have one at home and cut slices little by little, its price, only brings good things.
In summer, what's more, the hams with warm up and the Iberian fat melts making its juicier slices. The cut of the ham becomes easier and the flavor with maximize, especially the Bellota hams and shoulders.
Because, We thought it was a good idea to leave you a new entry on our blog with all the information to Make a good cut of ham in summer.

Some of us, we learned to cut (good) ham not many years ago. Before we used to take slices as we could, but of course, it wasn't the same. When the slices are very thin, with the right amount of fat and with the mixed textures… then the ham or shoulder has an incomparable flavor.
Because, if you already have your Iberian Ham, the we recommend that you see our videos, and start practicing!
Ah, one last note, and the more important to make a good cut of ham… the company. Yes, because as we have already mentioned, The best part of cutting ham comes when share. Because, we hope it's a party, have fun testing and what enjoy it with your people.
Take advantage of the last days of summer!