Christmas photo contest 2020
WE GIVE : Acorn Shoulder 100% Iberian To the best Christmas photo

Send a maximum 3 photos of Christmas meals or snacks with some of our products. By mail, Instagram, Facebook o Whatsapp. (#JamonariumConcurso2020)
Send them before 25 from January.
He 29 of January we will raffle the prize between 10 best photos. Exclusive for members of CLUB Jamonarium.

– Topic: Christmas and its delicacies. Photos about Christmas meals with Jamonarium products.
– You can send up to 3 photos per person.
– Until the 25 from January we receive photos
– He 29 we raffle the palette between the 10 best photos we have received. Selected from our team.
– By participating you give us permission to publish the photos in the RRSS, newsletters or on our website.
– Exclusive for members of CLUB JAMONARIUM